Testing Services

Accessibility Services offers reduced distraction testing accommodations for qualifying students* registered with Accessibility Services. Testing accommodations allow students to complete tests in a quiet environment while being administered by a staff member. Testing accommodation requests are required to be initiated by the student registered with accessibility services.

Testing accommodation requests are checked at the beginning and end of each workday.


  • Students must submit their testing accommodation request 5 school days prior to the originally scheduled test date.
  • Same day testing accommodation requests are not available.
  • If you are 30 minutes late for your test, your test will be rescheduled.
  • Unauthorized materials, including bags, jackets, hats, water bottles, smart watches, cell phones and any other unauthorized electronic materials, are not allowed in the testing environment. Students with specific electronic accommodations can only use their approved devices. All unauthorized materials will be left in a specified area. The test administrator is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  • All tests will be scheduled between the hours of 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. with the last test starting at 3:00 p.m. (Alternative times will need to be scheduled in advance and are determined on a case-by-case basis.)
  • Students are expected to adhere to the Honor Policy as stated in the student handbook. Any honor policy violation will be reported to the appropriate personnel.


All tests will be scanned back to your professor unless you use a Scantron or blue book. Tests that require a Scantron or blue book will either be sent back to your professor or picked up from Accessibility Services. Please note that when you use testing services, your test may not be graded with your classmates’ tests. Students are encouraged to follow up with their professor regarding their grades.

If the student has a question regarding the test content, the test administrator will email the professor on the student’s behalf regarding their question. Please note that there is a chance that the professor will not answer by the end of the scheduled test. The student will be responsible for following up with their professor if the professor does not respond by the end of their testing time.

Students are encouraged to register for final exam testing at the beginning of the semester. Final exam requests will be due the Monday of the last full week of classes. Emails will be sent out to students with accommodations to remind them of this deadline. Students who miss this deadline can reach out to Accessibility Services and are encouraged to reach out to their professors to provide them with an alternative testing location.

*Testing services are only available to Oglethorpe University students.

Title III of the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 dictates that an institution must make reasonable academic adjustments, provide auxiliary aids and/or services for those individuals with a qualified disability who self identify. To determine reasonable adjustments, auxiliary aids and/or services, Student Success staff will seek current documentation of the student’s disorder/impairment, as well as, information from appropriate University personnel regarding essential standards for courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities. A reasonable academic adjustment is one that does not require a substantial change in the curriculum or alter any of the essential elements or functions of the course, program, service, or activity. Academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services are determined on a case-by-case basis and course-by-course basis.