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Whiteboard Wednesday

Whiteboard Wednesday January 18th

Never underestimate the power of your peers, especially when working through a difficult problem set or reading assignment. Dividing and conquering is an effective way to reduce your workload — and to make sure you understand the material. You might even make a friend in the process.

Whiteboard Wednesday November 9th

Here Jazzimine and I were studying for a Comparative Anatomy test and were making good use of the study room in Goslin! This week we were studying cranial nerves and the different routes they take to help our body function. Did you know that there are 12 different nerves in total? I didn’t either,but  after […]

Whiteboard Wednesday October 12th

Taylor and Bex are studying for a Genetics exam! Taylor is a senior Bio-psychology major while Bex is a junior Biology major here at OU! They are designing their own experiments based on specific guidelines and also studying the experiment of Meselson and Stahl!